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City Of Beaverton On Getting Rid Of Rodents And Pests In Your Garden

The City of Beaverton’s website has some content about pest in your garden as well as other pest prevention tips. Both Beaverton resources come from this website:

The first reads:

QuestionWho is responsible for getting rid of rodents and wild animals in the garden? What can I do to keep them out?


Rodents and other wild animals may be prevalent in the undeveloped area surrounding the various garden sites; it is the responsibility of the individual gardener to control these pests within their own garden space.

Maintaining an active plot is the Number 1 thing you can do to deter rodents. Regular harvest and cleanup will help reduce the problem of rodents. If you are composting on site please be sure to turn your compost regularly and do not add any meat or grains; only vegetable matter from your garden plot is allowed.

The second reads:

Prevention Tips

There are a few things a homeowner can do to prevent rodent infestation.

Starve Them

  • Keep garbage in metal containers with tight-fitting lids, and empty them often.
  • Remove pet food dishes and leftovers promptly after feeding.
  • Store pet food in metal containers.
  • Place bird food in the feeder, not on the ground.
  • Clean up fallen fruits and nuts.
  • Clean up animal waste frequently.

Remove Their Shelter

  • An old shed or auto is an invitation to rats. Repair or remove them.
  • Rats can jump up to 3 feet and climb wires and pipes. Be sure to seal any openings to the house, even above ground level.
  • Keep windows and doors screened. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a dime!
  • Store lumber and firewood well off the ground.
  • Repair any breaks in the sewer line which connects your home to the main sewer system.

Trap Them

  • Spring-loaded traps are effective indoors where poisons may pose a threat to people or pets.
  • Trap or glue boards are preferred outdoors. Bait with peanut butter or partially cooked bacon.
  • Mice may be trapped by attaching nesting materials, peanut butter, or partially cooked bacon to spring-loaded traps. Follow trap instructions.

Poison Them

  • An effective rat poisoning requires a fresh, dry supply of bait that is readily available. To kill rats in the shortest time possible, first eliminate all other sources of food, forcing them to eat the poison.
  • Use properly labeled, EPA-approved poison rat bait. Contact your local hardware or garden shop.
  • Wear gloves when using any poison.
  • Keep all poison out of the reach of children and pets!
  • Poisons (rodenticides) can be used outside. Tamper-resistant bait stations reduce the chances of poisoning other animals. Take caution when using poisons. Always read and follow directions on the label. You may also choose to enlist the services of a pest control company.

Cleaning up After a Rodent Infestation / Protection from Rodent-Borne Diseases

Equipment Needed

  • Rubber gloves
  • Dust mask
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Disinfectant
  • Spray bottle

Before You Clean

  • Air out a room or building that has been closed for a long time before you enter it.
  • Always wet down surfaces and floors with a disinfectant before cleaning. Allow disinfectant to remain there for 20 minutes before wiping it up.

Disinfectants (Try Either One of These)

  • A 10% solution of bleach is made by mixing 1-1/2 cups of household bleach with 1 gallon of water.
  • Lysol diluted to label recommendations.

The “Wash Twice” Rule

  • Wash your rubber gloves in disinfectant and then soap and water before you take them off.
  • Wash your hands and arms with soap and warm water immediately after taking off your gloves.
  • Launder your clothes with hot water as usual.

Disposal of Dead Rodents

  • Wear rubber gloves.
  • Thoroughly spray carcass and traps with disinfectant before handing.
  • Triple bag the carcass and/or trap. Do not intermingle with other garbage and notify your garbage hauler for retrieval.
  • If you wish to reuse the traps, soak them in a bucket of disinfectant for 20 minutes then allow to dry.
  • If fleas are present, use a flea spray while picking up used traps and dead rodents.